Cluster Munition Monitor 2023
In 2022, 1,172 people were killed or injured by cluster munitions worldwide. It is the highest number of casualties since 2010, the year the Oslo Convention was signed. This prohibits the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions. The U.S., Russia and Ukraine have not joined the convention.
The Oslo Convention currently has 112 signatory states. 12 others have signed it, but ratification is still pending. South Sudan became the latest country to join the convention in August 2023; previously, Nigeria ratified in February 2023.
Since the convention was adopted in May 2008, there have been no reports or allegations of new use of cluster munitions by a state party. The use of cluster munitions was recorded in States not Party during the reporting period (August 2022 to July 2023), in Ukraine on a large scale by both Russian and Ukrainian forces, but also in Myanmar and Syria.
Cluster munition attacks in Ukraine claimed the most victims (890). 185 people were injured or killed by cluster munition remnants (unexploded ordnance). Ninety-five percent of all casualties recorded by the Monitor were among civilians. Children are particularly at risk, accounting for 71% of the victims.
Globally, 29 countries and other areas are contaminated or suspected of being contaminated by cluster munitions remnants.
Approximately 93km² of land contaminated with cluster munitions was cleared in States Parties in 2022, with 75,725 cluster munitions remnants removed (2021: 61km² cleared, 81,000 remnants).
Except for Somalia, all contaminated States Parties have requested extensions of their initial clearance deadlines, including Iraq until 2028 and Mauritania until 2026. Read more in the Monitor.