(Stiftung "Welt ohne Minen" / Fondation "Monde sans Mines")

I. Name, headquarters and purpose

Art.1: The name foundation "World Without Mines" (German: Stiftung "Welt ohne Minen", French: Fondation "monde sans mines") represents a foundation in accordance with Art. 80 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code (CC).

Art.2: The Foundation has its registered office in Zurich.

Art. 3: The foundation's purpose lies in supporting and promoting humanitarian mine action in Switzerland and abroad.

Humanitarian mine action includes all activities aimed at mitigating the social, economic and ecological impact of anti-personnel mines, cluster munition and explosive remnants of war (ERW) and to increase the safety of the affected population. The activities include the impact of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and the secure physical security and stockpile management (PSSM).

The foundation is entitled to execute every necessary activity and enactment to achieve its purpose, including in particular providing information to Swiss citizens on the mine problem. It can buy, sell, rent, lease and manage real estate.

II. Organisation, representation and authority to sign

Art. 4: The organs of the Foundation are

  • the Foundation Council;

  • the auditor;

  • the management, if such a management is appointed by the foundation board.

The Foundation council consisting of two or more members is the foundation’s supreme body. It was elected by the founder when the foundation was established.

Foundation council members are elected for an office period of three years. They may be re-elected.

The foundation council is self-constituting and may elect other members. The foundation council shall initiate the necessary replacement elections as soon as the number of council members falls below two.

Art. 5: The foundation council manages the foundation in accordance with the law and the deed of foundation on the basis of dutiful judgement. It is at liberty to dispose of the foundation’s assets as it sees fit within this scope. The foundation council can document the principles of its activities in one or more sets of regulations at any time.

The foundation council represents the foundation to the outside world and designates the persons authorised to sign on behalf of the foundation and the types of signature required.

The foundation council constitutes a quorum when the majority of members is in attendance. Resolutions are passed with a simple majority of the foundation council members in attendance. A record of resolutions shall be kept.

Resolutions and elections can be passed and held by means of circular letter insofar as no member requests verbal discussion.

Art. 6: The foundation council appoints an independent external auditor in accordance with legal requirements who shall audit the foundation’s accounts once a year and submit a detailed audit report on the result to the foundation council. Furthermore, the auditor shall monitor compliance with the provisions of the statutes (deed and regulations of the foundation) and report any non-compliances ascertained during the execution of their activities to the foundation council.

III. Financing

Art. 7: The founder endowed an initial amount of capital amounting to CHF 50,000 (fifty thousand Swiss francs) to the foundation when it was established.

The foundation’s assets are augmented by voluntary contributions and donations by third parties and by its income from investments.

IV. Changing the foundation deed and dissolving the foundation

Art. 8: By way of unanimous resolution, the foundation council has the right to submit an application for changes to be made to the foundation deed to the competent regulatory authority in the meaning of Art. 85, 86 and 86b CC.

Art. 9: The foundation’s duration is unlimited.

The foundation may be prematurely dissolved by way of a unanimous resolution passed by the foundation council only in accordance with the reasons provided for by law (Art. 88 CC) and only with the approval of the regulatory authority.

In the event of the foundation’s dissolution, the foundation council shall transfer any residual assets to non-profit legal entities with the same or a similar purpose that are exempt from taxation on account of their charitable or non-profit purpose and are headquartered in Switzerland. The reimbursement of foundation assets to the founder(s) or their legal successors is excluded.

Art. 10: This foundation is entered in the commercial register of the canton of Zurich.


Zurich, 12st April 2023

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